Our Mission

We believe in the value of physical activity by providing a system and guidance emphasizing cooperation, innovation and problem solving....

About Us

Our team is passionate about improving the lives of children and strengthening communities around the world. Over the past 12 years we have organized over 1,000 Undokai programs in Japan with over 150,000 participants. Our Global Partnerships have brought us to 8 countries with over 20,000 participants in schools, organizations...

Voices from Students & Teachers

“I was shy in school and Undokai gave me a chance to speak with others.”

“Practicing with friends, everyone being included, that’s why Undokai is so great!“  

"Undokai builds friendship and team spirit. Older and younger students working together is the key."

Get Involved

Your contribution could help bring WinTogether programs to schools and communities in need of physical activity education! Contact us to learn more. Get in touch...