Our team is passionate about improving the lives of children and strengthening communities around the world. Over the past 12 years we have organized over 1,000 Undokai programs in Japan with over 150,000 participants. Our Global Partnerships have brought us to 8 countries with over 20,000 participants in schools, organizations and communities. We hope you will join us as we continue to bring WinTogether programs worldwide.
Years (and counting!)

Our Team

WinTogether Co-Founder, Takaaki Yoneji, began his career in financial management. His experiences convinced him that over dependence on technology could lead to communication breakdowns and contribute to unhealthy lifestyles. Takaaki established the nonprofit Japan Sports Communication (JSC) in 2007 to address these concerns. Believing in the positive effects of Undokai or sports festivals, his hope has always been to bring people together. Takaaki’s desire to bring the Undokai experience to youth and communities on a global scale led him to WinTogether Co-Founder, Wesley Byers. Together, they created JSC’s WinTogether to solve problems and achieve real results on a global scale.

WinTogether Co-Founder, Wesley Byers began his lifelong passion for helping others as a volunteer coordinator for Habitat for Humanity. He later founded Ohio State University Project Community. Wesley served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nepal. He has worked with resettling refugees, Americorps programs mentoring low-income students and youth programs building schools in developing countries. Wesley holds a Master’s in International Studies from Ohio University. Wesley’s experiences developing youth programs led him to Takaaki Yoneji. Based upon their shared belief that every child should have access to physical activity and leadership programs they co-founded WinTogether. Wesley hopes WinTogether will help deepen ties between children, families and communities worldwide.